Мы считаем закон об иноагентах дискриминационным и неправовым, противоречащим Конституции и Европейской конвенции о защите прав человека и основных свобод. Мы не согласны с этим решением и обжалуем его в судах

Projects and events

We strive to ensure that every user of the Runet can protect their rights. To do this, we develop instructions that are understandable to everyone on how to restore access to information, give advice on what to do if your site is in the "black list", monitor legislation and provide legal assistance.


Educational materials on topics ranging from surveillance of Russian users to global privacy and big data issues. Concise and succinct!


Public campaign for a moratorium on the use of facial recognition systems. The authorities use them without public scrutiny, while they are dual-use technologies and there are high risks of abuse, unauthorized surveillance and control of citizens. Recognition errors and black market data leaks from such systems also occur on a regular basis.

The battle for Tor
The battle for Tor

The Roskomsvoboda team, representing the interests of The Tor Project, Inc. and the entire Tor user community in Russia, has filed an appeal and will demand the annulment of the unjust judicial act that led to the blocking of the advanced technology for protecting online privacy.

Pandemic Big Brother


Pandemic Big Brother

A map of privacy violations by anti-covid apps, surveillance of remote workers, "pandemic" censorship, and other forms of attacks on digital rights and freedoms around the world.

DemHack 6
DemHack 6

DemHack 6 is a hackathon of technical solutions designed to become a platform for combining ideas and efforts of specialists who are looking for an answer to the question of the degree of freedom in the modern Internet and/or striving to create tools for its expansion.

The battle for Twitter
The battle for Twitter

A collective lawsuit from social network users to challenge Roskomnadzor's actions to slow down Twitter. We want to prove that slowing down traffic is a violation of the right to freely receive and disseminate information. In case national courts refuse to recognize the slowdown actions as illegal, we will file complaints with the ECHR and the UN in connection with the adoption of disproportionate measures to block an important social service using modern technologies of centralized online censorship.

The battle for Telegram


The battle for Telegram

In 2018, Roskomsvoboda filed a class action lawsuit by Telegram users to recognize the actions of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in demanding encryption keys from the messenger. After Russian courts refused to accept the lawsuit for consideration, we reached the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In April 2020, Roskomnadzor lifted the blocking of the messenger. However, our lawyers are continuing the litigation to obtain a judicial position on the very important issue of encryption of messengers as the most reliable way to protect privacy. The case is now at the stage of communication with the state.

Eurasian Data Protection Congress


Eurasian Data Protection Congress

The Eurasian Data Protection Congress is the first large-scale international event in the field of privacy. Renowned speakers from different countries share their knowledge and experience. "Roscomsvoboda is one of the four partners of the congress.

DemHack 3


DemHack 3

DemHack 3 is a hackathon of technical solutions in the field of privacy and openness. This time the hackathon included projects in the following areas: Privacy Tech, Legal Tech and access to information.


A collection of materials on digital security that aims to increase public respect for basic human rights such as privacy, communications secrecy, freedom of speech and belief.


For general questions

[email protected]

For legal questions

[email protected]

Contacts for media:

Telegram: moi_fee
Signal: moi_fee.13


On December 23, 2022, the Ministry of Justice included Roskomsvoboda in the register of unregistered public associations performing the functions of a foreign agent. We disagree with this decision and are appealing it in court.