About us

RosKomSvoboda is the first Russian public organization operating in the field of digital rights protection and digital empowerment.

The organization develops and promotes the ideas of privacy and anonymity, freedom of information and prohibition of censorship, self-regulation of the IT industry and digital entrepreneurship, openness of the state and public control over the digital activities of government agencies.

Roskomsvoboda was established on November 1, 2012, the day the Unified Register of Prohibited Sites (“Black List of Sites”) came into force. The name Roskomsvoboda was chosen as a stylistic contraposition to Roskomnadzor, the agency that is directly involved in maintaining blacklists and restricting access to websites in Russia at the state level.

Today, the Roskomsvoboda team is constantly monitoring the legislative activities of government agencies in the field of Internet regulation as well as its enforcement. In particular, we release a register of blockings and deliver the most resonant cases of restricting access to websites, tightening laws, prosecuting citizens for their online statements, abuse and leaks of personal data.

We run widespread public campaigns that aim to inform citizens about the violation of their digital rights, initiate public discussion and unite people to battle for their interests.

RosKomSvoboda events become a platform for the exchange of views and the development of ideas, as well as the presentation of new projects and solutions. RosKomSvoboda conferences, festivals, hackathons and accelerators bring together innovation developers and industry experts, technical specialists and lawyers, journalists and activists, representatives of government agencies and civil society.

Legal work plays a highly important role in RosKomSvoboda. Our lawyers assess legislative initiatives, participate in the development of proposals for changing and liberalizing legislation, represent the interests of users and owners of unreasonably blocked sites in court, become protectors of those who are persecuted for their statements or activities on the Internet.

The technical crew of RosKomSvoboda develops the technical infrastructure of the projects as well as they are engaged in development of its own solutions for restoring access to information, detecting new blocks from providers and state agencies, parsing and visualizing publicly significant data.

You can join one of our projects, participate in an event or campaign, support us with donations, reposts, or simply follow us on social media.

You can also provide us an idea or become a volunteer for our organization.

Contact our press service:
Telegram: moi_fee
Signal: moi_fee.13

Analytics in English: https://roskomsvoboda.org/analysis/

Download logos:


For general questions

[email protected]

For legal questions

[email protected]

Contacts for media:

Telegram: moi_fee
Signal: moi_fee.13


On December 23, 2022, the Ministry of Justice included Roskomsvoboda in the register of unregistered public associations performing the functions of a foreign agent. We disagree with this decision and are appealing it in court.